As I already did in some past projects, (see "Vinci, la 3D et Photoshop") I sometimes take opportunities to quote some of my favourite Masters and influences. I recently did such citation work with a slightly different twist in a medical illustration project, rendering it in a 19th century european style.
Scientific illustration must provide clear and concise visual information that accurately convey complex concepts and data. Since precision is portentous, we sometimes tend to render information in more or less a clinical manner. The following is another try at taking some distance with computer rendering by adding a hand drawn touch and texture.
The 3D render:
2 commentaires:
Le final est vraiment superbe ! Il attire l’oeil et la mise en page est intéressante. L’effet relief de la colonne mêlé au style ancien de l’affiche donne un contraste trippant.
Bravo Carl !
Superbe tes images !
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